There is something that you will need to understand. You need to understand that overeating stands for something that is much deeper than just hunger. People eat too much or too often because it makes them feel good. Then they get to a point where their depression will take over and eating makes the person forget about everything; it's almost like being on drugs. If you notice, a lot of your stress and major changes in life will cause you to overeat. Most people are good for a day or two, and then something will happen. Perhaps your mate leaves you. Perhaps your best friend gets married. Anything can trigger you wanting to over eat; however, you can't give in to it all. You'll find that there are many ways for you to get control over yourself and over your eating habits.
First, you'll want to consider going to therapy. There are a lot of churches and therapy organizations that will conduct Over Eaters Anonymous. You'll find that when you give yourself the opportunity to grow from your mistakes and also take control over your own feelings, then you'll be able to validate yourself without the need to eat. A lot of people do not realize why they eat; they just don't know that they can't stop sometimes. It's very important that you learn how to control yourself, because your eating habits will begin to take a toll on your body and also your work relationships and personal relationships.
Again, with the effects on your relationships, you'll find that it is not your weight or the eating that hurts your relationships. What really hurts your relationships is your attitude. If you haven't noticed, your attitude will begin to be very negative and the next thing you know you're having a fit and things are not looking good. It can put strains on a lot of people close to you.
If you truly want to help yourself, then you need to get the proper emotional support through therapy, however, do not forget that this is the time where you will need close loved ones to care the most for you. You'll need to keep in mind that there are people around you that you'll be able to lean on. Keep in mind that over eating is a disease like drinking. You'll need a strong support system to back you up, especially, when you have no where to go and you want to get some ice cream. Your friends and family will help you put down the snow cone and pick up a healthy snack like carrots. Also, the support, in general, will help you to forget your problems and issues to eat and you'll find that talking will help you more than eating.
There are a lot of other things that you can do for yourself, but it's completely mind over matter. You'll need to eat slowly and also take smaller bites so that you'll feel full quicker. Also, you are going to have to get some self control and say no, even when you really, really need a hero sandwich. Unless you are hungry, you do not need to eat. If you learn how to tell yourself no, then you'll be able to move on from failure to success.
The key to a healthy recover from any addiction is to realize when enough is enough and be strong to accept your limits. You'll also need to call up those who you love and use them as a support system, rather than eat your emotions away. If you just learn how to tell yourself no, then you'll be able to see a serious recover road.
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