Being a college student you need to have a few things to keep your sanity. For one you have to have a good study schedule, then you need to be able to communicate with your friends and family, which is why so many students have the iPhone. However, one of the most important aspects of the iPhone and being a college student is the fact that you can apply some applications that will help you in your academic life, as well as in your social life. With the iPhone, consistently comes out with new applications you could find some that are fun and useful.
Perhaps one of the coolest apps for the College student, who always wants to have a good time is an iPhone application Ajax bartender. This is an amazing application lets you find and make more than 40000 different alcoholic beverages. But what really makes this application so unique is that it allows you to choose your drinks based on what you want to put in them. Have you ever been out with friends, and someone says they want to drink Tequila, but they don't know how to do a lot of different types of drinks with him.
Well, using Ajax, the bartender, you can select the Tequila and then you are able to choose what you want to mix it with the whole list of various beverages, featuring two ingredients you want to pop up on your screen. This is perfect for a holiday party ideas, get together with friends, or just a great companion when you go bar hopping. You never have to wonder, what are you going to drink that night.
Another great app is very far from being above; However, it is an equally important role in the life of a college student. Whether you are majoring in physical science or criminal justice, you have to take mathematics courses. And if you're like most people, then you should have a calculator when entering those horrible classes. However, instead of having to carry your iPhone and a huge calculator, you can carry your iPhone only when it has a belfry SciCalc installed. This Scientific Calculator and programming will give you access to many different types of equations. Do you need the calculator for algebra, trigonometric functions or even with standard mathematical problem, this application can handle all the math that you throw at it.
This is what makes this application is ideal for a wide range of students, because it doesn't matter if you work for hex problem, or you can't remember what is the square root of 164, you are able to use this calculator with ease and precision. The main reason why so many people love this application is because it eliminates the need for cumbersome scientific calculator, in most cases, and it allows you to just your iPhone. When you're in College, you have enough to worry about, so why not let your iPhone, belfry SciCalc take care of the math for you?
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