Friday, October 18, 2013

Family Artifacts: Gateways to the Past

There is a famous saying that says you must understand the past to know where you are going in the future. This is certainly

true when you think about your past and what that will mean for you and your future.

If you take a look at your family’s artifacts, heirlooms and photos, you will find a huge history in your family that you

were not aware of previously. This past will clue you in to a number of things, including what your great-grandparents,

grandparents and parents were like in their younger days to what types of fashions they wore and what they enjoyed doing.

Or, studying family artifacts and records can clue you in to the history of the health of your family and give you an

opportunity to understand what types of illnesses are common in your family and what you should be on the lookout for when

you visit your doctor.

Studying family artifacts will also help you piece together the history of your family. Where did your family immigrate

from? Most likely, artifacts that your family still has will give insight to the lives the family led in their old country

and give an idea of why they decided that risking it all and coming to America was the best choice for them.

You could most likely spend hours looking at old records, artifacts and photos. It takes you back to a time that you were

not a part of and never will know firsthand. However, taking the time to look at all of it will give you an idea of what it

takes to make your future bright.

If you can see examples of mistakes your family has made in the past, you can take those mistakes and in turn find a way to

keep from making those same mistakes in your own life. You can also find a way to have potential family illnesses diagnosed

early and taken care of before they turn into serious problems.

So, if you have not already, schedule an afternoon to visit with your Grandparents about the past and ask them to relive

their good memories with you. Then, ask if you can see some of the mementos and artifacts that they have kept for years.

They will most likely be excited to share their lives with you and be thankful that you care. You, in turn, will find out

interesting facts about the past and where your family came from and where you can help take it in the future.

Understanding the past is indeed the key to understanding the future. Take your opportunity to find out more about the

family artifacts in your family while your Grandparents are still around. They will appreciate your gesture and you will

sit in awe of the stories and events that they have lived through in their lives.

Ancient Mayan Artifacts in the United States Today

If you paid any sort of attention in your World History classes in school, you would remember that the Ancient Mayans were a

civilization in modern day Mexico. Well, you might not have even had to have paid attention in your classes to remember that

bit of history.

However, you may find it ironic that many Mayan artifacts that have been recovered from the ancient civilization’s land is

now for display in the United States. Say what? Yes, many are here in the United States with others on display throughout

the world in places you would never have imagined.

Why? Well, the answer is simple really: educational purposes. Many people learn about the Ancient Mayan civilization in

school but cannot go to Mexico to visit the ruins for themselves. Therefore, the powers that be decided that sending ancient

artifacts on a tour of the United States was a great idea.

It can be, as long as the artifacts are handled nicely and are not damaged. It does gives children and others a chance to

see the artifacts from the land they have only read about and gives them a true visual to go along with their course studies.

Mayan artifacts have been on display in different locations throughout the United States for several years now and some are

even on permanent display in some prominent museums. Opponents of these actions wonder why it makes sense to put something

on display that did not even happen in America, but in Mexico. They do not understand the idealism behind it.

However, there is no idealism behind it. Exhibits of all types have traveled throughout the world for years without trouble

and it brings history to the people. We want to educate others and let the children become global citizens. If they do not

have the money to travel, this gives them they way they can see it for themselves, up close and personal.

As long as the education exhibits are being cared for properly, the touring exhibits are a great educational piece that

should continue to travel around for years to come. The United States should also look in to make traveling exhibits of

some of our finest documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. That way people throughout the

country and world can see it without having to take a trip to Washington D.C. Many people, even people in the United States,

would love to see these things up close but cannot afford a trip to do so. Who knows, it may even inspire some children to

pursue political careers. That would definitely make it worth it.

The educational benefit of these artifacts far outweigh any sort of problems that they bring along with them. It is a great

way for kids to learn, for adults to share and for researchers to show off their work. It is a win-win situation for all

where people learn more than the thought they could.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Titanic Artifact Exhibit

When people think about artifacts, they often only consider ancient artifacts from many centuries ago. They rarely think of

modern artifacts. But artifacts are any objects made by humans. Scientists study these artifacts not only to learn more

about the time period during which the artifact was made but also to learn more about the world in which we currently live.

The artifacts that were recovered when the wreck of the Titanic was found tell us about what life was like during that time

period. In addition, the condition of these artifacts also has helped scientists learn more about the accident itself. By

studying these artifacts, we can better understand what happened that fateful night.

Many people have been lucky enough to see the Titanic Artifact Exhibit. This exhibit has traveled the world and contains

approximately 300 artifacts retrieved from the wreck of the Titanic. The famous ship sunk in the Atlantic Ocean on April 15, 1912. Almost 1,500 people died when the ship went down. This tragedy has long fascinated the world because the Titanic was billed as an "unsinkable" ship.

In the years following the disaster, researchers searched the Atlantic for the remains of the ship. In 1985, the wreck was

finally discovered thanks to modern technology. Using great care, many valuable artifacts have been recovered from the ship. The Titanic Artifact Exhibit contains items such as pieces of the actual ship, along with personal belongings of the crew and the passengers.

The wonderful thing about the exhibit is that visitors see both the recovered artifacts and presentations about where and

how these items would have been used on the ship. The exhibit strives to create an overall experience for visitors so they

can understand what life was like almost one hundred years ago.

Using a time progression, the exhibit takes visitors through the phases of the ship. You see information and artifacts

pertaining to the design and construction of the ship. You also see displays detailing the discovery of the wreckage, how

the artifacts were recovered from the ship, and what is being done to preserve these precious objects from the past.

Over the past few years, the exhibit has visited many cities, and countless people have been able to see the artifacts

contained in this fascinating collection. In 2007, the exhibit can be seen at the Royal BC Museum in Victoria, British

Colombia, Canada.

Guests to the museum climb a gangplank to enter the exhibit, so they feel as if they are passengers on the ship. The

exhibit has recreated what some corridors on the ship looked like. In addition, visitors can see what cabins for passengers

in 1st and 3rd class were like. These cabins contain recovered artifacts. An outdoor cafe, also containing artifacts from

the ship, has been created for visitors to examine.

Even though the Titanic sunk almost a century ago, the artifacts retrieved from the ship still fascinate and educate the

world. These objects allow us to view a time in history that had a huge impact on the world.

What Can You Do With Those Artifacts in Your Home?

You have finally had it with the junk in your home. You conduct a thorough cleaning of the whole house and come up with a

ton of stuff that you would like to get rid of and save your house from becoming a museum of artifacts and ancient furniture

and knickknacks.

But hold on just a moment. As it turns out, you may be sitting on a gold mine so it will be to your benefit to search through

the selection of junk and find the treasures you can sell. Once you find the treasures, where should you sell them? eBay is

always a great choice to sell unwanted items because people from all over the world will have a chance to take a look at

the items and buy them if they are interested. There is always a buyer for everything.

That broken lamp? Could be worth a lot to a collector. Those old records? Some music junkie in Europe would love to add

them to his collection. You may hate your stuff, but other people might not and why not try to make a little bit of money

from getting rid of the artifacts in your home. You just need to set up an eBay account and follow the instructions.

Within a few minutes, you will be selling your artifacts online and will have buyers for them within hours or days.

Then, the most difficult thing after that will be collecting the money and keeping a straight face as you travel to the

post office to send off the artifacts to their new owners.

What if you do not want to sell things on eBay? You could hold a garage sale and let others come by and sift through your

artifacts and rejected items while you sit back with a nice glass of lemonade. Or, you could choose to not sell your

artifacts at all, and instead donate them to a second-hand store to benefit their charities. You will not only be helping

others, but you will also be able to mark the costs off on your taxes. Not a bad way to get rid of old junk you do not want


Any of these ways would be fantastic choices to getting rid of the artifacts that have cluttered your home for years. Just

realize though that you will have to do this again at a later time and the stuff you and your family covet today will turn

into artifacts in just a few years. Styles and tastes change, however, you do not have to live with the artifacts of the

past forever. Simply purge the stuff you do not need anymore and enjoy your newly empty space-at least until you find a way

to put more junk into it.

And do not try to kid yourself, you will find more junk to fill your home. It is human nature. See, what are you doing

right now? Yes, that is right. You are thinking about going shopping. The cycle continues.

Make Your Own Family Artifacts for Future Generations

Do you remember when you were a child and you found time capsules to be so interesting? I know I did. I can remember looking

at a time capsule filled with artifacts from several decades prior to that time and I just sat and stared in awe of what was


The artifacts in the time capsule were things like magazines, newspapers, photographs and records dating back to the time

when the time capsule was buried underground for unearthing years later.

Now, if you have kids, think about how much fun it would be for them if you created a time capsule with things that will be

considered artifacts when the capsule is opened in fifty years. You can make it into a fun game where your kids can

brainstorm ideas of what they would want to include in the time capsule that would be good artifacts and examples of this

day in age and a representation of your family.

They will probably come up with a ton of crazy ideas. However, let them figure out what they would like to include and then

whittle the list down from there. Some ideas for artifacts include a current model cell phone, an mp3 player, some photographs,

newspapers and magazines from the current month and possibly some candy that people can look at and compare to the candy in

the future.

The fun will come when your kids will help formulate what you will put in the time capsule and then you can watch the

excitement in their faces when you prepare to bury the time capsule and then cover it for release in 50 years. Be sure to

record it somewhere so your children or their children will be able to open it at that time to take a look and compare what

has evolved between now and then.

This can turn in to a fun and educational game for your children that they will no doubt remember for the rest of their

lives. They could even do a demonstration of it in their classrooms and maybe inspire other children to pursue time capsules

full of family artifacts of their very own.

It will also be fun doing it together. There are so few activities anymore where kids and their parents can really get into

it and do it together all while having fun at the same time. Your kids grow up so fast that it is important to take the time

to help them grow and learn while spending as much quality time with them as you can.

Before you and your children know it, they will be grown up and have children of their own. Seize opportunities to create

lasting bonds that will last more than a lifetime. When they open the time capsules, they will no doubt remember the good

times you had together and your work as a parent will be done. Then hopefully they will carry on the tradition with their

own kids and grandkids.

What Will People Consider Artifacts in 100 years?

Do you ever stop to think that one day, the life we living now will be considered history? A weird thought because we think

of the past as back in the “olden days” where people had to walk barefoot to school both ways in the snow and they didn’t

have the Internet or radio to keep them company on boring Saturday afternoons.

An interesting thought is what will people consider to be artifacts when they look at us in 100 years? Will they look at

our high tech cell phones and laugh because we were so amused by the simple things in life? Will they look at the war in

Iraq and realize that it was the point when the world really started to break down? Will they curse us for ruining the

planet and the natural beauty of the Earth for them?

Chances are, they will look at our technology, our blogs, our photos and celebrity obsession and take that as the artifacts

from these years of our lives. It is not necessarily a bad thing, we do not know if the world will be in ruin in 100 years

or if it will be this utopia where world peace reins and world hunger has ended. What we do know is what we have here today,

and what we have is not that bad.

We have terrorism, we have war and we have enough violence to last lifetimes. We also have a lot of peace, love and hope

that can serve as lasting artifacts for the future. Future generations can look back at the artifacts we leave and know we

were a body of people who were trying to do the right thing while getting stuck in the mistakes of the past.

Hopefully people of the future will continue to learn from our mistakes and use our artifacts as guides to continually

improve the world. They could also just take a look at the party pictures that we leave and laugh because we at least knew

how to have a good time!

People can sit and hypothesize about the future and remember the past for what it was. What we can do is make our mark for

the future to show others and make them understand what we as people were all about. We worked hard, we played even harder

and we loved to make a difference. In the end, that will be all that matters.

Then, maybe in 200 years, the people will look back at us in history and recognize that this was the time in history when

people were really focused on doing the right thing and creating a better life for everyone in it, including the people of

the future.

Can they get all of this from the artifacts we leave behind? Of course! We have learn from past generations that way,

haven’t we? That is why we leave behind our mark, to show the people of the future what we did and where we are going. Who

knew artifacts told that whole story?

Find Artifacts in Your Home Town!

If you are anything like me, you probably think your home town is the most boring place on the planet Earth, especially if

it is a small town. But it is still probably boring if you live in a big city because there is a limit on what you can do as

a child growing up.

However, there is a way for kids to find something fun to do with their friends that does not involve getting into trouble

with the law or drugs. This game is sort of like a scavenger hunt and will appeal to all of the aspiring Indiana Jones

wannabes of the world. This game does not really have a name, but entails finding artifacts all over your home town or

neighborhood. Now, these do not really have to be artifacts, but can be anything you consider old and worthy of mention

as a unique item.

To play, approach it like a scavenger hunt. Have you child get a group of friends together and decide on the rules. For

instance, each child must find an interesting old rock, a piece of petrified wood and some really old pop bottles or cans.

The options are limitless because it depends on what you, your child and his group of friends deems to be worthy of the term

artifacts. Also, your child might consider something to be an artifact that is really only a couple of years old. But to him,

it is ancient.

Your child and his friends can then use their imaginations and create their very own treasure hunt and archeological

expedition with just a few things. It is the best way to get your kids and their friends outside to enjoy the weather and

truly be a kid. The kids get to flex their creativity and you get to rest easy knowing they are participating in a wholesome

activity that helps them think strategically and quickly.

Once your child and his group of friends have gathered their artifacts, have them meet to show off their wares. You never

know, one of the children may have found something that will spark off a conversation about the history of your home town,

history of the United States, the history of anything.

The game of finding artifacts is also one that can be played by adults as a twist on the traditional notion of scavenger

hunting. There are only so many restaurant straws and ketchup packets you can collect in these sorts of games. This gives

you an opportunity to go back to your childhood and find the joy in finding “artifacts.”

So, let your kids be kids and let them scavenge for artifacts. Then you can also be a kid again with your very own version

of the game. It is fun, it is free and it can turn out to be a great educational opportunity for your child. No video game

or sophisticated computer toy or cell phone can boast the same educational benefits that this game can have.

Just Face It, Your Kids Think You're an Artifact

Do you remember when you were young and you felt like you would never grow up? Thirty seemed like a really old age and you would not have to worry because it would take forever for you to get there anyway.

You also thought your parents were artifacts who must have been born in the Stone Age. They had no clue about what you liked and what kind of problems and issues you faced every day in life.

Well, you did grow up, and quickly. Now you are over thirty and have a couple of kids who are getting to be the age you were when you thought that about your parents. You, however, have made a conscious effort to keep your kids from thinking that you and your spouse are artifacts.

But it is not going to work, not matter how hard you try. You can think you are an amazing parent who totally understands
what your kids are feeling and going through because you went through it to at a time. But they do not think that way.

They think you are an old geezer who would not understand what they are going through in life even if it bit you in the pants. Do not fret about it. It is a common result of having kids who are growing up and they will also have kids who will treat them that way someday.

It is human (or kids) nature and it is futile to try and stop them from feeling that way.
The best way to go about it is to simply acknowledge that yes, you are artifacts and you have no idea what is going on with
their lives. Then let them try to figure out their problems on their own and eventually come back to you for guidance.

Trust this fact, it will happen sooner or later.

The most important thing is to remember that your kids do love you but they are going through that stage when they are
too cool for everything and life is the most unfair piece of work ever. Those feelings will pass and eventually you will be
best friends with your children again.

However, for now, let them think that they are the most amazing and smart people in the world who can figure out everything
for themselves. Remember, you are just artifacts who would not know a real problem like they have and you could not possible understand what they are going through.

Instead, simply sit back, relax and smile as they go through the teenage drama that all kids go through and laugh and say
that you told them so when they ask you for advice.

Then someday when they have their own kids, they will come back to you and say how their kids do not know anything and you
can remind them of their past and have a good laugh. Welcome to the unpopular parent club! Population: every parent in the world.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Strange Artifacts Abound!

We have become familiar with the term artifacts and what that means. Usually things like animal bones, arrowheads, ancient

documents and complex statues are what comes to mind when we think of things like artifacts. However, like with everything

else in life, there are plenty of strange artifacts that have been found by archaeologists that defy reason and have no

explanation. Here are a list of several strange artifacts that have been found over the years:

Strange Fossils: Modern science has led us to believe that people have not been around in our current forms for that many

years. However, researchers have found strange looking fossils that have defied traditionally accepted ideas. Like for

instance, several handprint and footprint imprints have been found that scientists have dated back millions of years. This

is much longer than people have been thought to be around. There has even been a fossil unearthed that looks like a man

wearing a sandal that appears to also be several million years old. Who can explain it! No one, yet.

Metal Spheres: People have been digging up odd metal spheres in Africa for years now. These metal spheres are perfectly

round and some have designs etched into them. No one can explain what they were used for, but one thing is for certain.

They have been around for billions of years and do not look like they are going anywhere anytime soon.

Ancients Discs: Researchers have unearthed amazing looking gold discs in Chinese caves that look to be ancient version

of records. What were they used for? I guess we will probably never know.

Ancient batteries: Researchers have found examples of batteries developed by ancient people in the Middle East that are

similar to that of the batteries of today. Amazing to think of the technology that could have existed millions of years ago.

Aircraft Shaped Artifacts: Scientists have unearthed artifacts in Egypt and South America, two entirely different continents

that are shaped unusually similar to modern aircrafts. Did they have the technology and the know how to make flight back

then? WE will probably never know.

Huge Spherical Balls: Balls, perfectly circular, have been found in the jungles of Costa Rica and Central America for

decades. Some of these weigh a few ounces, others a few tons. Though they are clearly man-made, it’s not clear what purpose

they actually served for the people who made them.

The list of strange fossils can go on and on and the debates that go along with them will last forever. What can we make of

the strange findings of scientists and researchers? Well, civilizations could have been much more advanced that we have

previously given them credit for. Or, other beings have inhabited the Earth earlier than we realize. Who really knows for

sure? One thing is for certain: it is pretty amazing what ancient people could do and what similarities we have with them

now. These artifacts will continue to amaze us for thousands of years to come.

Interesting Egyptian Artifacts!

To many history buffs and scientists, nothing says artifacts and history better than the study of the Ancient Egyptians.

Ancient Egyptians were an incredibly advanced civilization that left behind amazing artifacts that we still study thousands

of years later. They developed different tools and methods for doing things that we still use in our everyday society

thousands of years later. That is one of the reasons why they still fascinate us.

Another reason the Egyptians fascinate us is because they left behind so many different types of interesting artifacts that

we stare at in wonder today. The pyramids, the Sphinx and mummified tombs are examples of that and we still study to this


Other examples of interesting Egyptian artifacts include devices that look oddly like modern day airplanes, tools and

mechanisms that look similar to what we use today and jewels that rival anything we can create in this day in age.

However, people continue to be infactuated with in the interesting Ancient Egyptians because they mystify us so much. We

do not understand why they did what they did and we have spent years trying to figure it out.We will most likely never

figure out why or how they knew what to do but we will continue to study the artifacts they left behind in an attempt to

understand a little big about their culture and background.

If you are a true history and artifact buff, your dream vacation would be visit the pyramids in Egypt and seeing these

things up close and personal for yourself. It would be like a religious experience and be unlike anything you could

expect or hope to see back here in the United States.

Or, if it interests you that much, you can go to school to learn more about the Ancient Egyptians and their artifacts that

they left behind. That way you can spend your days studying that civilization and hopefully give the world more ideas and

insight into the past.

The study of ancient civilizations is interesting and fun to do. You learn a little bit about the ancient past and feel

somewhat connect to it when looking at the artifacts from the time period. It helps you understand how we have evolved over

the past several thousand years and can make you wonder how we will continue to evolve as time goes on. What do you think

people will say about us in a million years? Will they be as interested in us as we are with the Ancient Egyptians? Who

knows, but my best guess is more than likely, yes.

Just think of what it would be like if people see our computers, cell phone and cars and wonder exactly what we were

thinking when these were developed and why we decided to leave these for future generations to study. Funny thought, isn’t

it? I bet the Ancient Egyptians would feel the same way if they were alive today to see how interested we are in them.

Vintage Fashion: Artifacts From Years Gone By

Look at the pages of the latest issue of a prominent fashion magazine and you are sure to find it. Look online at the numerous

celebrity blogs and you will be sure to find it. Visit your local consignment clothing store and you are absolutely sure to

find it.

What is this “it?” The “it” is vintage fashion and it continues to be all the rage in fashion circles year after year. The

definitely of vintage, or retro fashion, depends on the person writing about or wearing the artifacts from years gone by.

But one thing in fashion is apparent: fashion comes and goes in cycles and what was in style when you were young will most

likely be considered vintage fashion when you grow up and have children of your own.

For several years, vintage fashion boasted artifacts from the 1960’s: mini-dresses and knee high boots. Then it was the

1970’s vintage fashions of afro hair styles and bell bottom pants along with wedge heels and flowing disco tops.

Now, look on the pages of fashion magazines or blogs and the newest fashion artifacts are considered fashions from not that

long ago: the 1980’s. Slouch socks, neon prints, tons of jewelry, big hair and make up are coming back in to style in stages

and it is funny to see fashion writers discuss how this is now vintage fashion. People who were born in the 1980’s are still

in their twenties: hardly artifact-type people!

But people have had to deal with fashions coming back in and out since the beginning of clothing. People have always been

concerned with being the best dressed and as time passed, ideas for fashion started to wane and styles and ideas were repeated,

hence the continued popularity of vintage fashion.

The best way to approach fashion is to mix vintage pieces with other items that are not considered to be artifacts. Mixing

the old and the new will show others that you are a fashion forward type of person who is able to confidently mix up fashions

without appearing overly made-up or ridiculous.

Fashions will continue to come in and out of style as long as there are fashion designers and people there to write about

and buy the clothes. We will not escape fashion, especially vintage type fashions, so we might as well embrace it and wear

it proudly.

You will not be considered an artifact if you do indeed adopt retro or vintage fashions. Instead, you will be looked at as

a fashion forward person who is continually looking for new ways to push the fashion envelope. Wear the clothes right and

you could be considered the newest “it” person on the covers of the magazines and soon be walking the runways of Paris and


Okay, not really, but it is fun to dream, right? And vintage fashion can help you escape to a time where life was simple.

So travel back in time and look good doing it with vintage fashions.

Pictures Can Be Artifacts to the Past

Do you enjoy taking pictures and collecting the photographs in scrapbooks, photo albums or online on their own special place?

Of course you do! Most people do and they love to take picture after picture of everything from a random night out with

friends, to pictures of their family and children to photos of their vacations to every corner of the globe.

Why do people love taking pictures so much? Well, look at the reasons why you like taking photos. You like to take photos

because it is a reminder of the good times and of the bad times. In essence, photos serve as your very own historical

artifact to the past and allow you to remember events that have memories that fade with the passing years.

Pictures are personal artifacts that tell the story of you. You can look at other people’s photos and never really truly

understand what they were feeling when the picture was taken. But you can easily take a picture of something and remember

your exact feelings years later.

So, do not miss an opportunity to take photos at every instance you can. You never know when that moment will be snapped

away from you, never to be seen again. Remember the faces of your children and relatives as they grow older and remember

what your parents looked like while they were young. Photographs allow you to do all of that.

Also, pass on the importance of photos to your family and friends. They will most likely already be aware of the importance

of creating photo artifacts, but you will want to make sure that they agree that taking as many photos as possible in life

is a good idea. That way, they will possibly get a picture that you were not able to get and you can share in that memory

with them.

Photo artifacts do not have to be overly mushy either. They can show the raunchy and crazy experiences you have had in your

life and serve as a reminder of the good time along with the happy and sad times.

You can tell your family story through pictures as well. Photos of births, weddings, funerals and other family events will

show a lot about the way you feel about your family members and how they felt about you at a certain point in time. That way

you can remember your crazy Aunt Ruth after she passes away.

Taking pictures is probably one of the rewarding and fun things you can do in your life. Now with different photo editing

software, you can do things to your photos that you never even thought was possible. Take your photo artifacts to the next

level and create a history of your family that can be viewed for years to come by you, your family, your children and anyone

else who would care to see the history of you and your life. Let the photos tell the whole story.

Creating Artifacts for the Future

When you die, how would you like to be remembered? Would you like to be remembered for your fast cars, beautiful women and flashy designer wardrobe? Or, would you rather be remembered as a kind person who cared for others while selflessly serving your fellow man and saving animals in the process?

However you want to be remembered, you must remember this: the artifacts that you will leave behind when you die will serve as the means for people to remember you and what you stood for.

So, it’s safe to say that you really aren’t interested in thinking about death and your eventual mortality, right?

However, today is the perfect time to take stock in your life so far and decide how you would like to be remembered by friends, your children, grandchildren and extended family after you have passed on from this life.

Take a look around your house. These items will more or less be the artifacts left behind from your life if you died today. Is this mess of pizza boxes, beer cans and old magazines how you would like your legacy to be remembered? Probably not.

So what should you do today to help change your life and start creating a legacy for yourself that will last after you are gone from this life? Start by looking at your friends.

Are they people you enjoy being around? Are they people who will stick up for you when times get tough and come to your aid if you ever need it? Your friends are part of the artifacts you will leave behind when
you die. If they aren’t the type of people you would want to be involved with, look to find other friends.

Also, look at your personal hobbies and habits. Do you have a reputation for fast women and a fast life? You may want to rethink that as you continue to age and are looking to improve your life and the artifacts you leave behind. If you have a
bad reputation and a bad attitude towards people, those are more artifacts that you will leave behind.

Of course, you do not have to turn in to a saint, but you should be conscious of what you are portraying yourself as in the
future. If you don’t care about the type of artifacts you leave behind in this life, continue on the same path you are going. You will be remembered either fondly or negatively, that is your choice. Or, if you change your life and make better decisions, your life will be remembered with great joy and people will solace in the fact that you were a good person who created a good life and left the world a little bit better than how you found it.

The choice is up to you. Just know that the artifacts you leave behind will remain forever. Forever is a long time. You have
only one life so live it the way you best see fit and create your own happiness and reputation.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Artifact Games.....What in the World is That Game He's Playing?

You do not claim to understand the video games and popular culture obsessions of today. In your day, you could play the

Atari and you surely did not have the blogs and constant online social types of interaction that kids do today. But, despite

not knowing about this online world, you would like to understand a little bit more about what your kids do when they play

video games online or on their video game consoles.

One of the games that have mystified parents for years is Artifacts, an online computer game. Artifacts was developed by

SAMU games back in the late 1990’s as a purely online game that could handle several players at once. Gamers who log on to

the site can play the Artifacts game or simply chat with the friends they have made on the site.

Because the game has been around for such a long time, gamers have tips and tricks to make the game more interesting that

it already is. People consistently develop “cheating” techniques for video games that allow certain things to happen only

when the gamer knows the secret cheating code.

You may not believe it, but online strategy games like Artifacts teaches young people about the importance of hand-eye

coordination, quick thinking and critical thinking. These are all important traits for kids to have as they grow older. It

will allow them to be more effective in school work and in future jobs because they are able to easily solve complex

problems and develop and maintain relationships that are complex.

Now, this is not meant to be an overall endorsement of constant video game playing. But, playing games like Artifacts can

help the young players in more ways than parents would like to believe. Experts believe that a generation of sharper kids

will develop from those kids who grew up playing video games.

On the other hand, kids who grow up with video games are less likely to search out more personal relationships with others

because they are able to go online and easily find people who share the same interests and values that they do.

The important thing for parents to do is create a balance of real and virtual life for their children. Limit internet and

game playing time to a certain amount of hours per week and require children to hang out with real-life friends and seek

out outside activities like hide and seek and sports.

Maintaining a balance will help your child continue to play his beloved games like Artifacts, but also be a socially

balanced person. Your child may not appreciate it that you are limiting his online time to a few hours a week. However,

he will thank you later on in life when he is successful because he got the gaming skills along with the important social

skills as well.

And then you can look back and smile when you remember your child’s favorite web site and video games.

Own Your Very Own Titanic Artifacts

It is certainly hard to believe that nearly one hundred years has passed since the Titanic sunk in the icy Atlantic waters.

The story of that ship and the fateful events that led up to the tragic ending still strike a chord with people to this day.

Scientists and Titanic buffs continue to plan voyages down to the wreckage of the Titanic to see it in all of its eerie glory

and also find more sunken treasures that have gone down with it.

Titanic and the artifacts it left behind continue to entrance people to this day. The movie Titanic is one of the biggest

grossing movies of all time and people still want to remember those who died on that fateful day each year when the

anniversary rolls around.

Why are people so entranced by this story? Because it was the ship that was never supposed to sink. When it did, the world

felt the pain of the people who lost their lives because of an over confident claim that obviously was not true. The Titanic

and its story conjures up a weird love story that people still are interested in to this day.

Other people are more interested in the Titanic for other reasons. There are millions of dollars of jewels that are rumored

to still be down there and have not been recovered. The money loving artifact hounds would love to get their hands on these

items because it would allow them to boast the fact that they have the famous lost items and they could sell them to

collectors and make a huge profit.

People can even purchase their very own artifacts from the Titanic today. There are several companies and web sites that

purportedly sell pieces from the Titanic ship or even items that were recovered from the wreckage. The people who seek out

these artifacts are clearly infatuated with the story behind the Titanic and would like to have a piece of it all to


Be careful when decided to purchase a Titanic artifact. How do you really know that what you are buying is really from the

Titanic? You can’t know for sure and it is better off that you just admire and study the story from afar rather than letting

someone take your hard earning money because they claim to have something of value that they will sell to you for several

hundred dollars a pop.

Really, what would you do with an artifact from the Titanic? No one will really enjoy it but you. And is it really worth

spending your hard earned cash on that? Maybe you think it is, but what happens if you find out that it is not really an

artifact from the Titanic and instead a piece of car from the bottom of a lake?

Instead, continue to research more into the story of the Titanic and support your hobby in that way. Save your dollars and

cents for something that is more worthy of your dollars, like a charitable cause.

Determining the Age of Artifacts

When you tour a museum and see a display of artifacts, you probably wonder how old the artifacts are. Archeologists feel the

same way. When they discover artifacts, they want to determine how old they are. By knowing how old an artifact is, the

archeologists can learn more about the people who created the artifact. They'll have a better idea what life was like during

that time period.

Archeologists use several methods to determine the age of artifacts. Because these objects help archeologists, researchers,

and sociologists learn about ancient civilizations, it's important to know how old found artifacts are.

When they uncover an ancient artifact, archeologists try to determine its numerical or chronological age by analyzing the

chemical and physical characteristics of the object. A variety of tests exist, and the test that is used often depends on

the projected age of the object and the material from which the object is made.

Since the middle of the twentieth century, some archeologists and scientists have looked to atom behavior as a means of

determining the age of certain materials. One method often used is radiocarbon dating, also called carbon-14 dating.

Radiocarbon dating was an important discovery made during the 1900s. It has greatly aided archeologists in their quest for

more information about the artifacts they discover.

Radiocarbon dating was discovered by Professor Libby of the University of Chicago following World War II. The way Radiocarbon

dating works is that it measures the radioactive decay of carbon-14 and can be used to tell the age of organic artifacts.

Researches measure how much carbon-14 exists in the artifact. This measurement then enables them to determine the age of the


Not all artifacts can be tested with Radiocarbon dating. Another method used is Potassium-argon dating. Potassium-argon

dating can be used with non-organic materials, such as rocks. Moreover, it can test the age of rocks that much older than

the organic artifacts that can be tested with Radiocarbon dating.

Although organic artifacts cannot be tested this way, the way rocks are dated using the Potassium-argon method is that as

potassium breaks down over time, it becomes a gas called argon-40. Since scientists know the rate at which potassium decays,

they can compare the potassium to argon ratio in rock and determine the age.

Potassium-argon testing is perfect to use on non-organic materials because it allows scientists to date much older materials

than radiocarbon dating. When artifacts are made of rock, such as rudimentary tools and utensils, they can be examined using

this method.

Many other methods are used by archeologists and scientists to determine the age of artifacts. Some methods consider the

amount of heat the artifacts have been exposed to by the sun or fire. As technology progresses, more methods of determining

the age of artifacts are being discovered.

All of these methods, both old and new, are used by archeologists to uncover more information about the way people used to

live many centuries ago. With this information, we get an invaluable glimpse into the past.

The Importance of Artifacts

Artifacts are objects made by humans that are usually created for a specific purpose. Artifacts can either be ancient or

modern. Ancient artifacts usually are recovered as part of an archeological dig. The artifacts from the past are meaningful

because they represent some aspect of the culture and civilization in which they were created and used.

Archeologists are interested in artifacts from primitive times because they tell us how ancient civilizations lived. By

examining the artifacts left behind by these civilizations, archeologists and scientists learn more about how the people

during that time hunted and prepared food. Moreover, artifacts tell us how these people designed their homes or shelters

and what tools they used in daily life.

Archeologists also are interested in the clothing and jewelry worn by past civilizations. The way people dressed and what

they used to adorn themselves often tells us a great deal about their belief system. Jewelry, in particular, often reflects

the ideology of the culture, so these artifacts are particularly interesting.

Ancient artifacts were manufactured in many different ways by many different societies and cultures. The methods used vary

greatly between civilizations. Some ancient artifacts were made from bone or stone. Early man often used the natural

products around him to create tools and weapons. Later civilizations used manufacturing processes to create tools and


Archeologists consider more than simply the artifact itself. During an excavation, they consider the artifact plus explore

its significance as it pertains to where the object was found. The location of an artifact often can help archeologists

further understand its use and significance.

For instance, many artifacts are found in tombs and graves. These artifacts take on additional meaning since they were

enclosed with a body. Some civilizations buried tools with their dead. They believed the souls of the dead would need these

tools once they reached the other side.

Homes and dwellings are often areas in which many artifacts are found. By studying these artifacts, archeologists can learn

more about the culture and the social atmosphere of these ancient civilizations.

Many museums display artifacts from famous archeological digs. For instance, Native American artifacts can be found in many

museums throughout the United States. Some Egyptian artifacts are among the most famous. Exhibits tour the world showing the

tools, jewelry, and other artifacts discovered over the years in Egyptian tombs.

Some people feel that museums should do more than simply display these artifacts. More museums are listening and now they

are explaining to their guests how these artifacts were used and what the artifacts tell us about these ancient people and

civilizations. Many museums now have media presentations so you can learn a great deal about the artifacts on display.

These displays make learning about the artifacts not only educational but also fun.

When it comes to artifacts, the more we know about the people and societies who have inhabited this world before us, the

more we can understand our past. By understanding our past, we can have a much clearer view into our future.

Interesting Native American Artifacts

To many Americans and scientists, Native American artifacts are a window into the past of our amazing country.

They were the first people on this land and developed amazing weaponry and skills that we modeled our modern day weapons

after. They developed different tools and methods for doing things that we still use in our everyday lives hundreds of years


Another reason the Native American artifacts resonate so strongly with us is because they left behind so many different types

of interesting artifacts that we stare at in wonder today. Arrowheads, bows and arrows and artwork are example of thing they

have left behind that we still look at today.

However, people continue to be infatuated with the Native American culture because there are still Native American people

alive today, unlike other ancient civilizations where the people have been dead for thousands of years. We still see how they

practice their ancient traditions while adapting to modern life. We will most likely never figure out their rituals but we

will continue to study the artifacts they left behind in an attempt to understand a little big about their culture and


There are many Native American reservations in the world today that still practice the rituals of their ancestors and still

boast tons of artifacts that have yet to be discovered. Native Americans want to preserve their reservations as a testament

to their ancestors and to try and keep some semblance of the past within their grasp, which is very commendable by any standard.

Other cultures could learn from the kinship that Native Americans have with one another along with their families and ancient

ancestors and Gods that they look to for guidance.

If Native American history interests you, there are many classes you can take to learn about their artifacts that they left

behind along with their ancient practices and rituals that are still practiced today. That way you can spend your days

studying that civilization and the people and hopefully give the world more ideas and insight into the past.

The study of ancient civilizations is interesting and fun to do. You learn a little bit about the ancient past and feel

somewhat connect to it when looking at the artifacts from the time period. It helps you understand how we have evolved over

the past several thousand years and can make you wonder how we will continue to evolve as time goes on. What do you think

people will say about us in a million years? Will they be as interested in us as we are with ancient cultures like the

Native American people? No one knows for sure, but the best guess is that yes, they will be.

Just think of what it would be like if people see our computers, cell phone and cars and wonder exactly what we were thinking when these were developed and

why we decided to leave these for future generations to study. Funny thought, isn’t it?

Are Records, Cassettes and CDs Just Artifacts Now?

Every few years, an advance in technology comes along that renders the previous technology worthless. It has happened countless

times. First the Steam Engine came along and was the mode of transportation for millions of people. Then, cars and airplanes

came along and fewer and fewer people chose to travel by train.

Later on, the telegraph came along and was a relatively quick and easy way for people to communicate over long distances.

Then the telephone was developed and no one had use for the telegraph anymore.

Same with VCRs. Every family in America had a VCR and then DVDs and DVD players came along and make it pointless to have a

VCR that played VHS tapes.

Well, it has happened again. The mp3 player came out in the late 1990’s and has since become the primary way that music

enthusiasts listen to their music. Records were the big deal for a long time, and then came along 8-track tapes, cassettes

and finally compact discs were all of the rage before mp3 players came along. Now, people are primarily downloading their

music from online music retailers instead of purchasing compact discs or tapes in stores.

However, like with new technology, mp3 players continue to outshine any other form of music storage. Mp3 players play music

seamlessly and do not skip like CD players and cannot scratch like records or break apart like cassettes. So yes, overall,

records, cassettes and CDs are simply artifacts in the music world and more and more people will continue to convert to

mp3 players until it is the only way that people get their music. Some people still collect records and many companies

still release records and tapes but they are really hard to find, just like a good artifact.

What will be the next type of technology that will turn in to artifacts when something else comes along? Well, for

starters, traditional commercials will be artifacts of the past as the TiVO continues to grow in popularity. Regular

televisions will become artifacts as people move to flat screen digital sets. More than likely, DVDs will eventually move

into the artifact category when some other type of movie device is adopted by the general public.

It is the natural evolution of society and the world. Yes, we can mourn the loss of the records and tapes, but we know that

we have mp3s which rival everything else in quality and delivery ease. We can embrace the past and remember yesterday with

tears in our eyes, but the fact of the matter is, we need to evolve to continue to make new and exciting products that we

want to buy and be a part of. We need that in our consumption-obsessed culture.

So say good bye to the record, the cassette and the compact disc. They are all artifacts now. Say hello to the future of

music with a good set of tunes and a good mp3 player.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Ancient Egyptian Artifacts

Many famous archeological excavations have happened in Egypt, and the artifacts recovered from these digs are some of the

best known in the world. Egypt had a thriving civilization long before many countries even existed. This civilization

produced some of the best-known buildings, sculptures, and art found in the world.

Three of the most recognized artifacts from Ancient Egypt are the Great Pyramids. The Great Pyramids are located in Giza.

Three successive rulers during the Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt had these impressive structures created. The rulers, Khufu,

Chefron, and Mycerinus wanted magnificent tombs built to hold their remains when they died.

These pyramids contained amazing artifacts that reflected the very best that the Egyptian society produced at the time.

Not only were precious works of art included in the tombs, other artifacts such as furniture and jewelry were sealed within

the pyramids. In fact, sadly servants were also often sealed within the pyramids, supposedly to aid the rulers in the


No discussion of Ancient Egyptian artifacts would be complete without mentioning the famous King Tut. King Tutankhamen was

only a child when he came to power in 1361 B.C. One theory is that he was assassinated as a teen since he died from a head

wound, although no one knows for certain what happened. In 1922, the tomb of King "Tut" was discovered by Howard Carter, a

British archeologist. The tomb of King Tutankhamen contained many priceless artifacts, including jewelry, furniture, and a

famous gold mask.

Another Ancient Egyptian artifact still standing today is the Great Sphinx. Connected to King Chephren's pyramid, the Great

Sphinx depicts the face of the Pharaoh on the body of a lion. Scholars believe the Great Sphinx was created to guard the

burial grounds. This massive structure is 65 feet tall and 200 feet long. Although time has worn at the features, the Great

Sphinx is still an amazing artifact from long ago.

The Rosetta Stone is a famous and historically significant artifact. This artifact was found in 1799. The writing on this

stone made it possible to translate the meaning of hieroglyphics. Believed to have been created in 196 B.C., the stone

contains a royal decree written in three languages. The languages included on the stone are hieroglyphics, Greek, and an

ancient Egyptian alphabet language called demotic. In 1822, the text on the Rosetta Stone was translated. Thanks to this

translation, scholars then had a way to decipher hieroglyphics.

Queen Nefertiti is remembered because of an artifact found in a sculptor's house. The bust of Queen Nefertiti is considered

to be unique because it depicts her in realistic detail. The sculptor, Thutmose, probably created the bust for others to

copy. Many other busts and artifacts also were found in the sculptor's house when it was uncovered in 1912. The bust of

Queen Nefertiti, one of the most famous artifacts from Ancient Egypt, currently resides in the Altes Museum in Berlin.

When it comes to amazing artifacts detailing past civilizations, Ancient Egypt produced countless treasures. Many museums

throughout the world display artifacts from this civilization, making it possible for people worldwide to see for themselves

the beauty that was Ancient Egypt.

Is It Appropriate to Decorate With Artifacts?

So you just returned from a great trip to Mexico and while you were there, you managed to find several artifacts that you

were able to stow away with you in your bags. You think they are beautiful pieces and would like to display them in your

home so you can see the artifacts on a daily basis while showing your guests what cool items you found on your vacation.

But do you really think it is a good idea to decorate your home with ancient artifacts? Sure, it is a very cool memento of

your vacation, but have you ever stopped and thought of what those artifacts mean to the people of that land. You may not

want to have it in your home after all.

Think of it this way, how would you feel if people from other countries decorated their homes with pieces of the World Trade

Center Towers. Yes, a very dramatic comparison, but to the people of those countries, the artifacts have more history and

meaning in them that you could never imagine or understand.

So, if you are thinking about decorating with artifacts you have found during your travels, take heed. People also feel that

decorating with artifacts can bring bad karma into your house and possibly haunt you. This all depends on what you really

believe in, but is worth it to think about when deciding what to do with the artifacts.

Instead, it may be a wiser move to instead purchase knick knacks or statues from the countries you visit. They would be a

constant reminder of your trip and can complement your home’s décor if you choose wisely. Then, you will not have to worry

about offending future house guests with your artifacts and instead can focus on discussing your past trips and experiences

rather than stick up for your choices.

So, what should you do with the artifacts you already have? Well, you could donate them to a museum or find a way to donate

them to a local college or university that can find the appropriate uses for them and possibly use them in their classes

dealing with the subject matter the artifacts represent.

Donating the artifacts will also show that you are interested in making sure that others can learn from your artifacts and

will be able to see a piece of history up close and personal. That way, you will be looked at as a person who is concerned

with education rather than someone who is only interested in what your home looks like without concerns for other cultures.

Next time, think wisely about what you bring home with you. If you would get offended by it if the tables were turned, do

not do it. It goes back to the old adage, treat others like you would like to be treated. That goes for ancient people as

well. They still have ancestors who are looking out for them today and still want to give them the respect they deserve.

Seashells: Artifacts of the Ocean

I recently took a vacation to the beach. I love the smell of the ocean breeze and the way the sun beats down on me as the

motion of the waves calms my every worry in the world. I could literally spend years on the beach and never regret a moment

of it.

One of my favorite beach activities is searching for seashells. There are millions of seashells in the ocean that come from

a wide variety of creatures. They all look different and each has their own personalities that comes across in the divots

and impressions in the shells.

As I was looking for my seashells, I had a thought. The ocean is a vast body of secrets that has a story underneath that no

one really knows about. So, in essence, each sea shell tells a different, but small, portion of the ocean’s story. They are

truly artifacts of the ocean that show what the ocean has been, is now and will be in the future.

Pretty deep if you think about it. Just like each person has a different story and a different set of artifacts that they

take with them from day to day, so do the seashells at the beach. Each has experienced it’s own part of the story of the

vast ocean and has lived to tell about it. Making it on to the beach is its way of trying to get the story out to the world.

I kept thinking about this as I made my way down the beach with my collection of beautiful shells. Each had a different

shape, color and texture and each was beautiful in its own way.

We have our own stories so in essence, we are like the seashells in the ocean of life. We each carry our own personal

artifacts with us that are a representation of what we have experienced in our lives and we really cannot share our true

experiences with anyone other than ourselves. Other people will see the artifacts on our skin and the laugh lines on our

face, but they will never truly know our story, just like we will never know the story of the ocean or the seashells.

The point was not to be too philosophical, but to realize that people are all unique and we are special in all of our own

ways. People do not take the time to realize that any more and when they don’t realize it, they lose a bit of their identity

each time they forget about it.

So remember you are an artifact of the world and you tell your own unique story in the world, just like seashells tell the

story of the ocean, piece by piece. People don’t feel like they are important enough and thinking about this idealistic

notion will make you feel better about your place in the world and realize that we are all important in our own way.

Is That for Real? Fake Artifacts and the Truth

People love to collect things: especially artifacts and other collectibles that they deem to either have personal or monetary

value. Unfortunately, with the growth of this popular pastime comes the people who are out to take advantage of these people

who wish to purchase artifacts for their collections.

These crooks only want to defraud the innocent people of their money while preying on their desire to have something unique

and original. Until these people are all caught, it will continue. However, the sad fact is that there will continue to be

sideways crooks that will prey on unsuspecting people until the end of time.

So, if you are a collector, take note. If you are looking to purchase any sort of collectable from someone who claims to

have something original, make sure you take the time to research the claim before you shell out your hard earned cash.

How can you be prepared to avoid crooks? Well, it surely is not easy, but here are a few steps you can follow to try to

protect yourself, your interests and most of all, your cash:

* Only buy from a reputable antiques or collectables dealer. These people will have references and contacts in the industry

that will prove that they have the goods

* Never buy from someone who approaches you about buying something unique or rare. Most times these people are trying to

take advantage of your interest. Instead, only buy things you have had the time to research in advance.

* Go with your gut, if you look at something and it seems too good to be true, it of course probably is just that.

* Do not let your excitement get in the way of your good judgment. You may be excited at the prospect of purchasing a

unique artifact, but do not let that cloud your good judgment and make sure you research your purchase before buying,

by confirming on historical records, etc.

* Develop relationships with your dealers and buyers. That way you will build trust and you can be assured that you will

be able to trust these people and know that what they are saying is the truth.

There may come a time when you do get bilked out of your cash and end up losing some of it due to a bad business deal. Do

not dwell on that, it can happen to even the savviest of collectors. Instead, brush it off to a hard lesson learned and

then get up and try again. You will no doubt have the opportunity to purchase many find artifacts and collectables in

your life. Some will be amazing, some not so much. In the end you will have a great collection of artifacts that will make

you proud to show off to your friends and family. It will take some time to assemble this amazing collection, but once you

do, you will be amazed at the satisfaction you get from it.

Dinosaur Artifacts - Are They Still Relevant Today?

Dinosaur artifacts have piqued the interest of the world since they were first discovered. Who doesn’t remember seeing the

huge skeleton of the monstrous T-Rex and not get scared at its intimidating glare? Of course, we all do.

Museums still display dinosaur bones prominently in their hallways to show what they looked like, how they acted and what

they were capable of doing to other animals. Kids continue to visit these museums and become entranced by the skeletons that

tower about them.However, with the continued advancements in science and technology, do we really need the dinosaur

artifacts anymore?

We have learned the majority of the facts we need to learn from these creatures and we probably will not find out anything

else that we do not already know. But yes, dinosaur artifacts will always play a huge role in our society because we have

looked to these artifacts for years to understand what prehistoric times were like and what can happen when an environment

changes rapidly, a valid concern in today’s eco-conscious mind.

We should also always have dinosaur artifacts on display because children everywhere should learn about what dinosaurs and

their bones were all about. If we did not have the dinosaur bones on display, we would not have a good way to explain that

to children.

Sure, advances in technology can give us computer generated picture of what dinosaurs looked and acted like back millions

of years ago. We can also watch movies that show man-eating dinosaurs coming to life. However, there is truly nothing like

seeing and touching a dinosaur bone for the first time. The experience is like none other and no child should ever be

without htat experience.

Scientists and researchers should also continue to search for dinosaur bones for the foreseeable future. Why? Because we do

not truly know what is out there and we could find ancient dinosaur artifacts someday that will change everything we know

about dinosaurs and the artifacts we have now will truly play a part in bridging the gap between what we think is the

reality and what really is the reality.

To top it off, bone artifacts are simply cool to look at and touch with your fingers and hands. You are holding a piece of

history when you touch a bone and no other feeling is quite like it. Most people get shivers up and down their spines when

they touch dinosaur bones, it is a feeling like none other and it helps connect the past to the present.

It is safe to say that dinosaurs and the artifacts they left behind after extinction will always have a huge place in

science, no matter what type of technology is developed in the future. We will always have a need to understand the past

to really and truly understand our future and dinosaur artifacts will help bridge that gap for this and future generations

Making a Career Out of Artifacts

You spend your childhood entranced by dinosaur bones and everything that was prehistoric and died several million years ago.

You gazed longingly at the collections of dinosaur bones in your favorite museum and begged your parents for your very own

ancient arrow head when you visited ancient Native American burial grounds.

Now that you are grown up, it is easy to understand your chosen career path when you think of your childhood days. You went

to school for many years and now you are an archeologist who spends his days digging up ancient artifacts and bones in some

of the most remote locations of the world.

To sum it up, you help the world piece the history together. There are so many things we have learned from archeology expeditions

that help us shape what we believe the world was millions of years ago. All thanks to the work of dedicated professionals

who devote their lives to studying the past. Their study of the past helps us create a better future.

Man would not have known about dinosaurs had it not been for archeologists who dug up the artifacts of that period including

the bones to show what they looked like millions of years ago. Also, if it was not for archeologists on their constant

quests for artifacts, we never would have learned about the lives of the Ancient Egyptians and the people who died in


Archeologists are vital to the future of our world, but do not receive the proper amount of credit. They have been

instrumental in the formation of the United States as well. They helped piece together the history of the Native Americans

and helped find Native American artifacts like weaponry that help explain where some of our current weapons originated from.

Just imagine what we would not know if archeologists did not spend their time researching and creating our history. We would

be a world who thinks it started after Christopher Columbus sailed to America. Well, maybe not. But out world history view

would definitely be limited.

So, you may not know an actual archeologist personally, but than them each time you visit a museum, watch a historical

documentary or learn something about the history of the United States. They were the ones who helped do the research and

find out the truth behind the mysteries in life.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in artifact searching, find a college that offers a good program in archeology.

There are several across the country that will help you learn about the past and learn the tools to becoming one yourself.

These programs can be quite demanding and you must be able to handle the dangers and challenges that come along with this

sort of career to be successful.

Imagine walking across the desert and finding ancient scribes that were written millions of years ago. That dream could

definitely be a reality if you pursue a career in artifact finding and archeology.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

What Does It Take To Succeed In Article Marketing

What does it take to succeed in article marketing? That is the question you have to ask if you plan to use this cost effective form of advertising to promote your business. If you think about it, anybody can do it. You just have to know some of the basics.

When we talk of basics, the article regardless of the topic should be timely, consistent and informative. This is because you want to bring value to the readers even if in the end, you are making them avail of your product or service.

This begins from the title itself because catchy ones will make the reader want to know more about what you have to say.

As you work on the first paragraph all the way to the end, write this in a conversational tone. This allows you to connect with the reader as though you are talking with them face to face. In fact, one of the best words to use is “you” because you are their advocate.

In writing the article, make sure to list down the benefits. Remember, people are more inclined to buy something if they know that there is something they can gain from using your product. For instance, you are writing an article on weight loss and you have something that can help make that happen. Just make sure of course you are able to deliver. Keep thing simple so even the average Joe can understand the message you are trying to convey.

The last part of the article should have a link to your website. Another way of doing it is to use the resource box. These two things are important because after reading your article, you want that person to visit your website. The same goes if what you are offering is a service and the only way to do that is to let them get in touch with you.

You should also post your work in other websites as well as your own so you are able to reach a wider audience. Keep in mind there are thousands of websites now and nobody will able to see your articles without the help of search engines. This is why keywords are very important. These should also be integrated to the article so choose these carefully so it will not disrupt the natural flow of content.

Don’t expect to write article very well if you have never done this before. Just like any other skill, it takes time to develop and practice makes perfect. One way to do this is to read how other writers do it and then try to apply this to your own. You can attend a few writing classes as well so you can get feedback from your instructors.

So what does it take to succeed in article marketing? Basically good writing skills because how you do it may or may not increase website traffic. Those who have tried but failed have decided to enlist the help of a professional writer instead given that they have the experience to achieve what you are trying to put down on paper.

In the end, it is all about content which should be relevant to whatever you are selling otherwise you are just wasting the reader’s time.

How Things Work in Article Marketing

Article marketing is a very cost efficient way of getting people to visit your site in the hopes that they will your product or service. In fact, there are many sites these days where you can post your articles and this is how things work.

Keep in mind that most websites have already posted what topics they are looking for. So before you submit your article, check if your work is relevant to what is being asked for.

Most websites set guidelines as to the kind of articles that can be submitted. This may include a maximum number of words, that the article is original and not copied from someone else’s work, must have proper English grammar and so forth. Again, read the fine print before you submit your articles.

Some sites that you submit may reserve the right to edit your content while others don’t. If this is their prerogative, there may be some changes to what you wrote and there is nothing you can do about it.

You don’t get paid for any of the articles you post on the website because article marketing in essence is a free form of advertising and exposure. The best thing you can get from submitting articles is that people will know about you and the product you are selling as you have a resource box at the bottom of the page which people can click after reading the article. The resource box includes your name, website address, contact number and email.

If the article you wrote is no longer relevant, this may be pulled out so there is space for other writers to post their own articles. This is the reason why you should review your articles regularly so you can add new information to keep up with the times.

So how do you publish an article? Most websites will require you to sign up and become a member. Don’t worry because this is free and you are simply filling up the form to create an account with them.

For writers who are just starting out, you will probably be allowed to submit 10 articles first. Your article will then be reviewed by their panel of writers to check if the articles’ authenticity. This may take a day or two but not longer than a week.

If this was original, then you will be notified by email that your article has been accepted. Should the allotted time pass and you haven’t received any word from there whether the article was approved or not, send them an email to follow up the status of your pending article.

If you are able to submit 10 articles and want to submit more, you have to express your intent to do and once approved, you will be able to send as many as you want as long as you continue to follow the guidelines that were set.

How things work in article marketing is very simple. You write an article based on a topic of your interest and then post it in a site that wants information pertaining to it. You may not be compensated for the hard work you put into writing the article but you can be rewarded in other ways especially if this creates more traffic to your site.

How article marketing has changed online research

Article marketing has become an overnight online sensation. Before, the use of articles for promoting products and services is only done through newsletters and leaflets that are being distributed through mail or through flyer giving. Article marketing has also crossed over to the newspapers and magazines with more and more articles coming from companies that have products to promote.

In recent years however, article marketing has been widely used over the internet to also sell products, lend credibility to the site and to increase the site rank in search engines. Article marketing now does not only promote products, it also promotes the site itself. Through the use of these articles, the rank of the site in search engines like Google and Yahoo, will increase.

The use of article marketing is actually one of the reasons why the world wide web has become a treasure throve of information. In order to promote their sites, site developers and owners will need to submit fresh materials everyday. This will increase their page views fro site visitors as well as improve their site rank. With your website appearing in the first page of a search engine result, you are guaranteed more views and of course the support of online advertisers.

But the wide use of articles for site rank has made the quality of the articles suffer. Just look at the way article are written when you click the sites in the search engine results. Most will have the same exact content as the other. Some may not be the verbatim version but the principles and essence of the article is the same. A lot of them will have typos on the articles as well as misspellings. Articles are also not well-written. They will have structure problems, cohesion problems and of course mistakes in grammar.

Another problem with the articles found over the internet as a result of article marketing is the absence of a byline. Without a byline, the articles will not have any credibility and reliability. When before medical topics are written by doctors, now most of them will only be done by individuals who also research over the internet.

Because the idea of the websites is to promote their sites and to increase the rank, they are coming up with articles that are written just for the heck of it. They are not anymore in the mission of providing information to readers. What they are doing is for their benefit. This is why some of these websites will also feature information that are unreliable.

Only a couple of websites feature articles that are bylined. There are also sites that may not have any bylines but are being kept by people who are experts in the field. This is why it is also important to check the websites first before you cite them for your research. Sites that are being maintained by the government will of course have pretty reliable content. The same goes with international organizations like those of the United Nations. Some local sites being run by non-profit organization also have reliable content. Medical sites that are maintained by universities and hospitals are also great sources of information.

Before you research over the internet, check your sources. Article marketing online has definitely changed the way we do research. It might have made researching easier but it made discriminating harder.

The Basic Guide on How to Write Articles

If you have just discovered the many routes that you can take with regards to online marketing, you may be faced with many questions. One of them and a very important one is how to write articles.

The Rule of the Game

Writing for the internet is very different from getting your daily dose on blogs and other creative venues. Yes, this also requires a lot of creativity on your part but it caters to a specific market, people who doesn't have much time to spend reading the 500 plus words articles that you are presenting to them.

Your role now is to get their attention, make them scan through your materials, get your point and get them hooked with what more you have to say then what more can you offer to them.

Basic Guide

You need not be too academic when it comes to writing articles. Besides you are not writing a research or term paper. You just want to reach out to potential clients to help them in avenues wherein you could reach out to them in relation to whatever business you have.

1. Good content

Your writing doesn't have to be too technical that people would have to consult a dictionary just to grasp your thoughts. You have to create functional articles that will be easy to understand and people will be able to relate with.

2. Conversational tone

Talk to your target market through your articles. You've got to establish a connection with them. And this can be achieved through the manner that you present your articles. You have to make them feel like you are a friend that they can turn to if they are having problems in some aspects of their business.

3. Excite your readers

You are not writing to win awards so avoid the boring matter of fact route. Keep the tone bubbly and easy to grasp. Create headlines and catchy tag lines in order for you to keep your probable clients interested.

4. Short paragraphs

Short paragraphs are intended for easy reading. This will especially be helpful for those who don't really have the time and are just scanning for interesting finds.

5. Provide benefits

Make sure that after reading your piece, the reader will get something out of everything that you have said. Such knowledge should be useful to them and will make them interested in reading your future articles as well as your other products and services.

6. The importance of you

Use the word you throughout the article. This way, the one who will be reading it will feel a sense like you are directing them because they are important. It will be easier to capture their interest this way.

So you think you can write now? Why are you doing this anyway? The one thing that you have to take note is that you are doing this to drive traffic to your web site. You have to make as many people aware about the products that you are offering and lead them to you. This can be achieved further by providing good copies at the resource box or at your author's bio section on each of your article.

So make sure that you master how to write articles before you plunge into submitting to article directories. This way, there are better chances for you to create impressive ones that will help you propagate your purpose.

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