Database design for Facebook wall. Contains the tables users, friends, messages, comments, conversation, message_like, message_share, comment_like, conversation, Conversation_replay, User_uploads and friends recently added a table for a friend relationship.
All new design
The new design was strongly inspired from Facebook iPad app.
Uploading multiple images
Multiple images now turns into a beautiful album the slider.
Download multiple images is now turning into a beautiful album the slider.
Powerful system with Oembed URL extension.
This is implemented using the OEmbed api using CURL, walls 6.0 script supports the following media services.
List of script functions 6.0 wall.
Block system
Improved style code to reduce duplication of html tags, each component unit works individually. You can easily change or control the design of your application.
include_once "de'Ua"; //Basic functions
include_once "oauth_redirection.php"; //Redirect Oauth login
include_once "js.php»; //Javascript libraries
include_once "block_logo_menu.php"; //Menu and logo
include_once "block_profile.php"; //User profile
include_once "block_search.php"; //Search
include_once "block_friends_widget.php"; //Friends list Widget
$home = 1;
include (' block_updates.php '); //News of friends
include_once "block_footer.php"; //Footer
With existing wall features 5.0 scenarios.
Note: After successful payment you will get the file from the 12:0 am. If you have any questions, you can contact this mail ID.
Update: If you have already bought wall scenarios, you'll get the latest 5.0 wall 6.0 script for $ 20.
Unzip in the folder htdocs or www, using Winzip software. Create a wall of Mysql database and find out wall.sql and imports via PhyMyAdmin or MySQL Query Browser. MySQL database configuration settings.
You must change the hostname, username and password. If you want to enable the Gravatar image make it $gravatar = 1. You can change the value of $perpage for more buttons.
define ("DB_SERVER", "the host");
define (' DB_USERNAME ', ' username ');
define (' DB_PASSWORD ', ' password ');
define (' DB_DATABASE ', "the database");
$connection = mysql_connect (DB_SERVER, DB_USERNAME DB_PASSWORD,) or die (mysql_error ());
$database = mysql_select_db (DB_DATABASE) or die (mysql_error ());
mysql_query ("set character_set_results = ' utf8 '");
$path = "uploads/";
$perpage = ' 10 '; //Update the perpage
$base _url = ' http://localhost/wall/'; //Eg:
$gravatar = 1; //0 false true 1 gravatar image
$rowsPerPage = 10; //Friends list
Here you will have to maintain the same values $pageper for more buttons.
Wall_Updates class
public $perpage = 10; //Loads the perpage
Webcam snaps configuration.
Here you can set the value of webcamtotal. I recommend 1 or 2 is depends on the capabilities of your server.
$ (document) .ready (function)
var webcamtotal = 6; //number of snaps: 1 and Max 6
$.base_url= ' http://localhost/wall/'; //Eg:
Give read and write permissions to download folder, I recommend using XAMPP server.
extension, Facebook, jQuery, oembed, php, social, Twitter
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